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African Development Bank (AfDB) Policy Seminar

관리자 / 2024-10-29 오후 3:28:00 / 208
African Development Bank (AfDB) Policy Seminar

The Korea-Africa Foundation held the "AfDB Policy Seminar" on the theme of "Strengthening Africa’s Resilience: Continuous Skill Building and Capacity Enhancement" at the Asia-Africa Center of Seoul National University Asia Center on the 29th. This event was organized in collaboration with African Development Bank (AfDB), African Development Institute (ADI), and the Asia-Africa Center of Seoul National University Asia Center, coinciding with the visit of ADI delegation.

The seminar was attended by over 80 participants, including Togolani Edriss Mavura, Ambassador of Tanzania; Amira Agarib, Ambassador of Sudan; Nkubito Manzi Bakuramutsa, Ambassador of Rwanda; and Emmy Kipsoi, Ambassador of Kenya, along with embassy officials, researchers, and university students.

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Kim Young-chae, Chairman of the Korea-Africa Foundation, delivers a welcoming speech at the AfDB Policy Seminar

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▲ Namawu Alolo Alhassan, Manager of the Knowledge Management and Information Department at AfDB, presents on "Mainstreaming Capacity Development for Africa's Transformation."
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Nancy Beke, Senior Officer of Multilateral Cooperation at AfDB, presents on "Addressing the Challenges: Role of the African Development Bank's Ten-Year Strategy."

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▲ A scene from the Q&A session in progress

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▲ A scene from the Q&A session in progress

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▲ Key figures at the AfDB Policy Development Seminar

이미지 설명을 입력해주세요.
▲ Kim Young-chae, Chairman of the Korea-Africa Foundation, and Eric Ogunleye, Director of the African Development Institute at AfDB.
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