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[남아공 대사관] 남아공-한국 무역 투자세미나

관리자 / 2021-11-17 오후 4:45:00 / 882

남아공-한국 무역 투자 세미나

- 주최: 주한 남아공대사관, 주남아공 대한민국 대사관

South Africa-South Korea Trade and Investment Seminar

  • - Host: South African Embassy in South Korea, South Korean Embassy in South Africa

  • - Date: 2021.11.19 (Fri) 16:00 - 18:00

  • - Inquiry: 02-795-0948 / satrade@korea.com

  • - Links to videos and presentations at the webinar:

    - Please register @ South Africa Trade and Investment Pavilion